East Texas Square and Round Dance Association

The following vendors are well known and have provided quality service to Square Dancers in the past. We invite you to contact them for your square dancing needs. If you know of others who have provided quality products and great customer service, please notify me at the webmaster email.​​​
Do-Si-Do Designs by Brenda
"Unique, One-of-a-kind Designs"
Brenda Stewart
669 CR 4015
Mt. Pleasant,TX 75455
Email: dosidodesigns@yahoo.com
Although we have a “traveling” shop, we are now open for business between events.
We have located our square dance apparel shop in a separate building at our residence.
You are welcome to come browse!
Although we are here most of the time, it is better if you call for an appointment.
TAG EM! Engraving
​"Badges - Dangles - Bars & MORE"
The premier engraver at the US National Square Dance Conventions
Bruce & Wanda Carter
1005 Canyon View Road
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Phone: 512-894-3634
Website: http://tagem-engraving.com/
"Square Dance Attire"
14523 Highway 99 #1
Lynnwood, WA 98087
Phone: 425-743-9513
Website: http://www.petticoatjct.com/
​"Square Dance Attire"
4143 Avenida de la Plata
Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 760-631-0080
Website: www.squareupfashions.com